It's official...

I have accepted the Public Relations Specialist position here at DOAV. What does that mean for you? More frequent updates! Not only here, but on facebook and twitter as well. Please send me your breaking news, press releases and story ideas: (804) 236-3631 or

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What's on tap this week? Career Days.

7th Annual Aviation Academy College and Career Fair
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 from 2:00-4:30 p.m.
Aviation Academy- Denbigh High School, Newport News, VA

26th Annual Rotary Aviation Career Day
Thursday, October 27, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Virginia Aviation Museum, Sandston, VA

In addition, The Department of Aviation is once again promoting several aviation education programs for teachers and students in the Commonwealth. The Aviation Teachers Grant Program offers educators in grades K-12 the opportunity to apply for a grant (up to $250) for aviation-related classroom projects. The John R. Lillard Aviation Scholarship Program and Willard G. Plentl, Sr. Aviation Scholarship Program offer scholarships tor Virginia high school seniors. Virginia is also once again participating in the International Aviation Art Contest.

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