Evacuating aircraft ahead of storm?

Hurricane Sandy is tracking towards eastern Virginia. Here is a list of available hangar or tie-down spaces available for aircraft owners to temporarily relocate in Virginia.

Blue Ridge Airport

5 T-hangars available
Contact: Jason Davis (276) 957-2294 or (276) 358-0749 or jdavis@flyblueridge.com

Chesterfield County Airport

18 hangars available and plenty of tie-down spaces available
Contact: Tom Trudeau (804) 743-0771 or (804) 929-6859 or trudeau@chesterfield.gov

Danville Regional Airport

1 80' x 80' hangar available through October 31. Tie-down space also available.
Contact: Marc Adelman (434) 799-5110 or (434) 489-6132 or adelmmd@ci.danville.va.us

Front Royal-Warren County Airport

14 tie-down spaces available (bring rope)
Contact: Reggie Cassagnol (540) 671-6708 or cassair@yahoo.com

Hanover County Airport/HOVA Flight Services

10 tie-down spaces available
Contact: Eli Grimes (804) 798-6500 or egrimes@tecnam.net

Lawrenceville-Brunswick County Airport

4 tie-down spaces available and enough hangar space for 2 light twins
Contact: Jim Shiller (434) 848-2767 or (434) 532-6831 or airportmanager@brunswickco.com

Manassas Municipal Airport

80 tie-down spaces available- insurance required
Contact: Juan Rivera (703) 257-8270 or (703) 257-8279 or jberry@ci.manassas.va.us

Mecklenburg-Brunswick Regional Airport

Well built t-hangars and a 70' x 70' corporate hangar
Contact: Dan Middleton (434) 729-2591 or (434) 865-4067 or voyagercp@bitbroadband.com

New Market Airport
2 hangars and 5 tie-down spaces available
Contact: Robert Thomas (703) 327-0444 or (703) 898-1157 or fireflyer20141@me.com

Orange County Airport
8 asphalt tie-down spaces and 6 grass tie-down spaces available
Contact: Buzz Jarrell (540) 672-2158 or (540) 406-1821 or buzzjarrell@orangecountyva.gov

Shannon Airport
Hangars available- filling up quick
Contact: Robert Stanley (540) 373-4431 or (540) 847-3846 or shannonezf@aol.com

Tazwell County Airport
2 corporate hangars- will accommodate 10 single engine aircraft
Contact: Jerry McReynolds (276) 963-4509 or (276) 345-3321 or tazcoair@gmail.com

Roanoke Regional Airport
Tie-down space available
Contact: John Wilson/Landmark Aviation (540) 353-4244
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